On Sept 10, 2013 version 3.0.4 was released publicly but not on the Mac App Store?
I dont begrudge the developer from making some off Mac App Store sales but the new version should be submitted to Apple for approval asap as we have paid for it already.
As for how it works, I have had no issues with 2.4.8, the key is to not go blind in and let TuneUp handle all items, selectively update your track info by dragging tracks to the Clean tab. Works without issue for me although there is one song in my playlist it refuses to find any information about, but in all other cases that I have used it (12,000+ songs), it was mostly right on the money. When it wasnt, using Wikipedia or Disc Dogs or the like I could find album art that was missing or incorrectly found. YMMV…
Overall, once my database was cleaned up and set the way I want it, there is no need for the app anymore except for the social/concert aspect imho.
MetroTurtle about TuneUp, v2.4.8